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Michael J Noonan
Assistant Professor
Biology, Statistics
Office: SCI 379Phone: 250.807.8667
Email: michael.noonan@ubc.ca
Graduate student supervisor

Research Summary
Animal movement, conservation, encounter theory, evolutionary processes, macro-ecology, and statistical ecology.
Courses & Teaching
Evolutionary Ecology (Biol 417); Statistical Modelling for Biological Data (Biol 520C); Spatial Statistics (DATA 589)
Dr. Noonan is a quantitative ecologist with more than a decade of research experience across 3 countries and 5 institutions. His research program is aimed at disentangling complex and nuanced biological patterns from statistical bias, and at developing statistical methods and software for handling the unique challenges posed by ecological data.
DPhil, University of Oxford; BSc Concordia University
Research Interests & Projects
The Quantitative Ecology Lab is focused on the statistically efficient integration of ecological data into evidence-based conservation. The lab’s work is structured around two separate, but complementary, lines of research. The first falls under an umbrella termed ‘Biology or bias’, and is aimed at developing novel statistical methods, understanding when/why different analytical approaches lead to differing conclusions, and how to avoid estimation bias. The over-arching theme of this work is to demonstrate how the use of biased estimators and/or incorrect statistical procedures can generate misinformative results that weaken both ecological theory and evidence-based conservation initiatives. The second focuses on macro-ecology and species conservation by pairing high quality data with cutting edge analytical tools.
Selected Publications & Presentations